- Normal milk deliveries commence between 4.00am – 4.00pm. Anything outside this time may be a stolen vehicle or load.
- Thieves generally load trolleys in an untidy manner.
- Is there another vehicle drawing attention to itself; a decoy car or van driving erratically?
- Is the lorry logo obscured or from a distant location?
- As the majority of dairy companies mark their assets, vehicles carrying mixed assets could indicate the vehicle is carrying stolen equipment.
a theft
- All identified thefts of trolleys should be reported to the police.
- Major thefts should be reported by telephone in the first instance, using the local non-urgent line. They may require the attendance of a police officer.
- Crime incidents in progress should also be immediately reported by using the ‘999’ system.
- Non-urgent or more minor matters can also be reported by telephone using the non-urgent telephone line 101 and selecting your local force.
- Please provide as full a description of the stolen material as possible, including quantities, identifying markings, paint colours and replacement value.
- Please send details of a reported/non reported theft to the Asset Protection Team info@assetprotectionteam.co.uk or contact our Recovery Hotline on 0207 430 0162
- If you receive information of criminal activity, please inform the Dairy UK Asset Protection Manager on 07501 496224 who will advise (confidentially) if any further action is required.