1st July 2020 – The first dairy TV advert in 20 years will be aired this week featuring a selection of iconic milk adverts seen on our screens over the last seven decades.
As part of the £1 million joint-funded dairy marketing campaign, the new advert will feature personalities from past TV adverts as early back as the 60s, alongside some new faces in a final big ‘cheers’ to celebrate the journey we have all been on and a look to the future.
They will all come together in a new advert to highlight how dairy has a key part to play in how we have connected over the decades and in current times – whether that’s a cup of tea with a friend, giving a pint of milk to a neighbour or a virtual pizza party to stay in touch with loved ones during lockdown.
It will air on Wednesday with spots on big shows such as Emmerdale, Saturday Morning with James Martin, Sunday Brunch Bake off: The Professionals and forms part of the 12-week Milk Your Moments campaign launched by AHDB, Dairy UK, Defra, Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive to deal with the impact of coronavirus.
AHDB Strategy Director for Dairy Paul Flanagan said: “We are delighted to be part of the dairy industry’s first TV advert in 20 years. Our farmers have really got behind the campaign across social media and they are now counting down the days to seeing us back on TV.
“These last few months have been really challenging for the dairy sector and the £1m dairy marketing campaign has played a big role in helping to promote the sector and reminding consumers of the important role dairy plays in our lives.”
Dairy UK Chief Executive Dr Judith Bryans commented: “The iconic dairy ads of the past have given us some pretty big shoes to fill, but this is the perfect time for us to be back reminding our consumers that we have always been and will continue to be a part of their special moments of connection, even in these uncertain times.
“Circumstances notwithstanding, it’s great to be back on live TV again and to have the chance to reach out to so many people with our messages, and to let them know we’re still here providing them with the great tasting, nutritious products they love.”
The Milk Your Moments campaign was led by the dairy industry in partnership with UK Government to support Mind, the mental health charity who launched an emergency appeal to ensure that no one has to face a mental health crisis alone during this unprecedented time.
On social media, consumers are prompted to share their own moments of connection, and to visit milkyourmoments.co.uk where visitors receive an inspirational moment of connection to make a real-world connection while being physically apart.
The new TV advert will air for 14 days. It can be viewed here